How Mindfulness Can Keep You Sane as a Business Owner

You can look at it any way you like, but being a business owner is hard – you’ve got to juggle doing the work (or at least learn how to manage other people fast), customer service, marketing, advertising, making sure you’re growing sustainably for the future, admin, panicking about whether you’re charging enough or too much… yeah, it’s a lot.

Of course, while outsourcing seriously helps you manage your workload (ahem, a great virtual assistant will take a huge burden off your shoulders), you still have to find a way to mentally organise everything you’ve got going on. So how do we do this to stop from going out of our minds?

With mindfulness. Here’s why, and how, you should start using mindfulness to feel more in control.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is not sitting down amongst the crystals and touching each one in turn (though of course if that helps you – absolutely do so), it’s about setting time aside to use mindfulness practices like breathing and meditation to control and alleviate stress, anxiety, and work through your thoughts more easily. Mindfulness is all about finding ways to be present in the moment so we aren’t worrying about what’s in the past or future.

Why and How to Use Mindfulness as a Business Owner

Learn How to Stop

When do you stop working? When do you start? Are you closing your laptop at 5pm or checking your phone and replying to emails in bed at almost midnight? It’s all too easy to be completely consumed by your business when its your baby and your livelihood, but never stepping away always leads to burn out. Your brain needs time to relax and unwind. Try committing to a yoga class in the evening or even just 10 minutes of meditation at the end of the workday. After just a few days of this practice you’ll find yourself feeling more energised throughout the day.

Prevent Overwhelm

Have you ever felt paralysed because you’ve just got so much to do in so little time? Even just a few minutes of easy breathing and meditation can reduce those feelings and help you put everything in order. All you need to do is take the next step (here in the now), and the next. You don’t need to worry about 10 steps ahead in the future.

Utilise Great Apps

There are so many great apps we can use to hit reset whenever we need it. Apps like Headspace and Calm help you with your breathing and taking time to slow down. Apps like Rootd and Youper are there when you need to hit the panic button and have someone – even just an AI – talk you through intense moments. If you struggle switching off, apps like AppBlock will help you block work-related apps in the evening until you train yourself to let work go when you shouldn’t be working.

Mindfulness isn’t a new concept but has become increasingly popular as the barriers between work and our down time continues to blur. We have to do what we can to give our minds and bodies time to replenish – even just a few minutes here and there will help significantly.

Of course, if you need a helping hand, I’m always here to help! Whether you need someone to handle your emails or help you get organised, I’ll be here whenever you need me. To find out more about how I can support you, click here.


The Online PA has been selected as a finalist for the ‘UK Best Newcomer VA 2020’ Award


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